Our Services
Our team welcome to make your concept of technology information and tehnolofy of IoT come true with custom program.
Our team can provide the easy use apps with powerfull function to make your work easier and accurate.
Our team can provide the powerfull website funtion to give you the realtime and accurate data dan report.
Give our partner enchancement about the machine production to decrase te cycle time, provide 100% OK product, and accurate data.
our products
We separate in to some module, there is related transaction partner with customer, partner with supplier. company with internal production, and partner finance - accounting report.
Our team expert to automate machine process with some sensor and actuator with various PLC system. New or existing with improvement our team ready to serve the latest technology.
Our team could provide realtime data acquistion for realtime report production. As realtime as count result product.
We could integrate your existing system with our finance system.
Our team could be your private consulting and implementing the latest IoT technology.
Our team welcome to custom the system for your needs. Our eam will be Your Strategic Partner of Smart Technology.
Level up of local companies so that they have global competitiveness
We will be your the best suitable strategic partner of smart technology. This is the reason :
Pesona Telaga Cibinong, Jl Telaga Indah No 2, Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, 16914